About This Game Eterium is a space flight sim in the spirit of 90's games like Wing Commander and X-Wing. Developed by a two-man team, Eterium aims to bring the classic style of space combat games into the modern era. You play as a pilot serving aboard United Earth Alliance carrier Canopus during a war against an vicious alien race known as the Revi. Experience story-driven gameplay, advanced artificial intelligence, procedural missions and intense 3D space combat as you battle your way through over 50 missions of action-packed gameplay.Gameplay Features:Fully customizable joystickXbox 360 Controller and Mouse SupportOutstanding stereo 3D support (nVidia 3d Vision only)Advanced Artificial IntelligenceDynamic DifficultyAdvanced ship damage systemFully 3D rendered cockpitsAsteroid and mine fields 1075eedd30 Title: EteriumGenre: Action, IndieDeveloper:Rogue Earth LLCPublisher:Rogue Earth LLCRelease Date: 15 Apr, 2014 Eterium Cheat Code For Ps3 Eterium is a space combat sim in the vein of the old Wing Commander and Freespace games. The influence of Wing Commander is apparent from the get go with things such as speaking to crew members between missions, carrier landings, mission types etc. For fans of Wing Commander, WC Saga, Diaspora, Freespace, X-Wing\/Tie Fighter or space sims in general there is a lot to enjoy here. Functionally the game works very similar to those older classics in both controls and mission design.Gameplay wise it is a solid sim with enough depth to keep it interesting without being overly complex or simple. You will fly a variety of craft each that feels and handles differently and be able to play around with various weapon loadouts. The dev's have included blackouts and redouts here when you perform heavy manuvers and I like this addition. Also your pilot's head sways when you turn which I think is a lovely touch. Another excellent feature is that when you are escorting vessels the hud no only displays the vessel you are to protect but also highlights enemies that are attacking that target with a difference colour on the radar. This makes escort missions MUCH easier to handle and takes away alot of the frustation. Combine that with the easy Wingman controls allows you to respond to changing battlefield conditions very rapidly and allows you to focus fire on particular threats. Your craft is a lot more "squishy" than in many games. This takes some adjusting to much makes the dogfights much more intense and rewarding.This was the easiest game to setup my T.Hotas X for, the setup screen in the laucher is very helpful and you can see what imputs do what allowing you to quickly setup a control scheme that works for you. Graphically the game is decent with a slight cartoonish feel yet this lends itself to the vibe of the game. Considering this was a part time project by a 3 man developement team I think the graphics are perfectly acceptable and the handling of the craft feels responsive and unique to each vessel you fly. The AI is good, acting intelligently and scale up as does the difficulty. Your own wingmen work well and depending on the skill can be a major asset in battle, unlike some games where they are more of a hinderance than a help. Out of the cockpit your home base and comrades are rendered in 2D, with the characters displaying clear eastern influences. When at base you can navigate to different areas and speak to different crewmen similar to Wing Commander. There is no dialogue in the game, everything is written in text. While this is fine for out of combat socialising, in combat it makes it harder to determine messages during the heat of combat. Storywise the game is ok but it throws alot of characters at you very quickly making things more confusing than they need to be, especially since some of them you appear to have a history with. Given the fact that the characters are practically thrown in your face it makes it harder to get to like them. I believe the game would have been better served providing a smaller, more flesh out cast but that is perhaps down to personal opinion. I also do not like that you are given virtually zero backstory before being thrown into the main story. Combine this with the fact your character seems to have history within the way, where he serves and with certain other characters makes things more confusing than they need to be. An intro story, perhaps in the manual or somewhere giving some insight into the story, who you are fighting and why would be appreciated. The story and dialogue is ok without standing out. Cookie cutter but enough to keep you engaged and in your cockpit. Music is ok, does the job. Overall I find Eterium to be a solid sim especially given it's three man dev crew who made it as a side project. That being said, Eterium holds up well in it's own right. It is not a big budget game but handles well, is fun to fly and is available at a modest budget. I would recommend this to anybody who enjoys space flight sims.Score: 7.5\/10. Now this is a nice suprise indeed. The space battles remind me very much of very good space combat (arcade style) simulators. like from Starwars Xwing, Tiefighter, Starlancer etc. The space missions just look superb. The sfx sounds (lasers, engines etc) are worth it. It is so much fun just to able to launched into space from a space battle ship carrier and fly towards unknown foes and battle it out in futuristic space ships. The models actually look acceptable nice. The game makers actually did a lot of good effort in making a nice cockpit view. It gives the player the nice suggestion of being actually in a cockpit in the thick of spacebattles. I just love that. Well done. Only cons or critical remarks I can make is the game really laks large bombastic music and voice dialogues. Especially in the between scenes or cut scenes. So there is somekind awkward silence in those cutscenes. Music and dialogues is always difficult to make and it has to fit into the movies. I must add that the gamemakers tried to make somekind of story that fits the spacecombat to give it some extra content. That's a good idea I must say. Only they used pictures and text to tell the story. Perhaps if they used a moving character (puppet) like in Xwing and add some voice overs the game would have (to me at least) a more professional look. I only talk about the cutscenes and not the spacecombat. The space combat looks very good and superb. But voice overs require some good voice acting and will add to the extra costs of producing this game. Also this game lacks multiplayer features. So you wont be able to fly with your online mates in the same game. I have to add that I do realise that this game has a different budget then the big gaming companies like e.g. Lucas Arts Studios, Activision, EA etc. Despite the critical remarks I do like even love this game. It runs smooth and has joystick support. I could play this game very well with my Logitech 3D. I expect to fly more and more in this game and have some nice hours of spacecombat with this. Very very good and well done most definitely worh the money. I do hope the gamemakers will get the chance to produce more games like these in the future. So if you like space combat and a good story then this is definitely a must have.. Well, so far so good. Four missions in, this game's made a pretty good impression on me. Haven't got much backstory yet, as to who the enemy is and why we're fighting them, and the bits of information you get from the other pilots in the lounge and hangar (at least, so far) haven't shed too much light on it. As far as the actual combat goes, the fighters strike me as a little more fragile than you might be used to from other games, which adds a fair bit of intensity to the fighting. The feature of your targeting system being able to tell which enemies are attacking you and which are attacking the ship you're escorting is very nice, and makes the dreaded escort missions a little less horrible.If you grew up playing old school space sims like I did, you're probably going to like this.. This is a true Wing Commander that just happens to be neither developed nor published by EA, thankfully. It is most similar in gameplay and plot to the first four main series games. There are some brutal and nigh-impossible escort missions, but for the most part, it is plain space dogfighting fun.. Alright what do we've got here?At first glance one might think that Eterium is a, let's say, low budget space combat action game.Man, you're wrong, if you think just that.Eterium is actually a pretty hardcore space combat simulator. During flights you have to keep track of your wingmen, your flight carrier (if needed) enemies and several sub and weapon systems.The controls are close to perfect,e specially with a good flight stick and small things like maximum permitted take-off velocity add to the atmosphere of this game.The overal presentation feels a bit like a mix between manga and anime, due to the look of the characters, but that didn't bother me at all.So, all is cool?No, not all is cool. 1) During combat I don't have time to read text messages from my fellow pilots. I'm tracking my target and not reading a novel. This goes for the entire game. SFX are good, but there's no speech throughout the entire game and that is a bit of a mood killer. It would add a lot to the atmosphere if you could get some radio chatter during combat or when you're reading through the various scenes that tell the story.But, beside of that, Eterium does something that many modern space combat games fail to do..,it delivers the feeling of X-Wing, Wing Commander and Starlancer in its own and good way. Wanting for more if you're a fan of those kinds of games.. I suppose I could be wrong about this, but "Eterium" bears very strong marks of being a direct homage to "Wing Commander." Pretty much every character and ship in the game seems to be an expy for something you might have encountered in adventures involving The Tiger's Claw, and the basic gameplay elements all seem to be the same.In the same vein, you should be ready for some pretty challenging combat. A few good hits will do you in, so you can't be lazy. Part of the nostalgia baked into games like this is that they're rather less forgiving than modern titles, so the learning curve might be steeper than you're used to.A fair amount of challenge also lies in the controls. They're pretty tough to truly master if you're a keyboard and mouse pilot - maybe they're better with a joystick or gamepad, but I wouldn't know. Getting enough cannon hits to take down an enemy can be a bit of a project."Eterium" is hardly original, but it seems to have been made with commendable care. If you like "Wing Commander," it's probably worth a try.. Okay, so in my hundreds of hours spent gaming via Steam I have never felt the urge to write a review for anything I've bought, until now.Basically I was playing TIE Fighter when I decided to go on the hunt for something a little more modern. A quick (and generally disappointing) search through steam and Eterium came up. I wasn't totally convinced but decided to gamble the ~$15 and am glad I did.Right away controller support is excellent. With my Joystick and Throttle in storage I hooked up the xbox-esque controller and it recognized it right away and mapped out the crucial controls in a well thought out and useful manner. For saving me the time of figuring out important controls and experimenting with mapping them that's a major +1. This being said this game deserves to be used with joystick and throttle (and oculus!) and I can't wait to try it again with those.Okay, so the simple graphics that make the interludes between missions is excessively basic and the story is pretty "blah" but the game picks up as soon as you're ready to fly. I love the fact they've included launch and recovery to be handflown. Okay, well, you can't really screw it up but the fact it's even there is great.Combat is simple but addictive and so far the two different fighters I've used have distinctly different fighting styles and handling. The interface (while cartoony) is a throwback to Wing Commander and does it wonderfully, allowing for easy weapon selection and giving you the right amount of information that keeps your eyes moving around but not excessively so.Is this the next great space flight sim? No, but it is highly entertaining and there is a lot of promise here and I can only hope they build and expand upon what they're offering now in the future. If you've got a spare $20 and loved TIE Fighter or Wing Commander you owe it to yourself to fire this one up.. Scratches that old school wing commander itch quite nicely. Could use a little more depth, but I applaud the efforts of the 2-man team.. Very good--> Controls, music, sounds, space combat, good story, gameplay. Great---> cockpit and exterior ship graphics, along with the outerspace atmosphere with planets in the background have great graphics also. Great--->, wingman interface controls with weapons along with coms. I don't know why everyone is saying this game has bad controls. It is great with a game pad or a joystick, but if the key board and mouse is your thing go for it. Very cool old school 80's and 90's feeling space shooter. The only issue I have with this game is Its very repetive and the explosion graphics and gun fire along with the character graphics could of been better, but this game is fun. If you like space sims or grew up with Wing Commander, I reconmend this.
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